Florida Department of Education


Compliance with fiscal year 2022-23 class size reduction requirements is calculated at the classroom level for traditional public schools, the school level for charter schools, public schools of choice and schools of excellence, as required by Sections 1003.03(1), 1002.33(16)(b)3, 1002.31(5) and 1003.631(2)(e) Florida Statutes.


Use this web tool only to correct data reporting errors.  All data reporting errors and non-data reporting error appeals must be supported with additional documentation (e.g., teacher/student rosters, etc.) and must be submitted through FLDOE's ShareFile. Access to the FLDOE ShareFile Class Size Appeals folder for the district or charter school may be requested from  ClassSize@fldoe.org or 850-245-0400.


This webpage will be open for submission of appeals due to data reporting errors and will be closed at the deadline.  

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For assistance, please contact ClassSize@fldoe.org